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Using SEOM for inventory warehouse location?

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Topic author: Scott
Subject: Using SEOM for inventory warehouse location?
Posted on: 10/10/2005 11:44:58 PM

I'm curious about how others are dealing with their warehouse inventroy. The SEOM can be used to track how much inventory you have on hand (scan in upon import, automatically subtracts out of inventory upon a sale, but how are others dealing with the issue of keeping track of where the inventory is located in your warehouse? It is great to know how much inventory we have on hand, but if we can't locate it in the warehouse, this is not the ideal situation. Are others using other software for this function and can you recommend which software? How do you then integrate this location software withe the inventory tracking in the SEOM?


Scott, LLC owns and operates:


Reply author: nicolas
Replied on: 10/11/2005 12:37:15 PM


There is a 'location' field in the inventory in SEOM.
Depends on how many shelves you have but we count them with a letter and create sub location with a number :
Example : A7


Reply author: Scott
Replied on: 10/12/2005 12:14:20 PM


But will this feature allow you to keep the same product (SKU) in multiple locations in your warehouse? That is really me biggest concern.

Scott, LLC owns and operates:

Reply author: nicolas
Replied on: 10/12/2005 4:57:06 PM


Here what we do.
We setup the primary location for a SKU in StoneEdge. You can setup only one location per SKU. But on the shelf, there is a bar code showing :
- Name of the location (example A7)
- Name of the overflow location (Z3)

So If in StoneEdge in your inventory (QOH) you have 50 items and there are 40 in A7, there should be 10 in Z3.


Reply author: ocpxc02
Replied on: 10/12/2005 4:57:19 PM

Sounds like you're in more of a need of a WMS or Stock Locator system to manage inventory activity within 4 walls. I've had a lot of experience with those types of systems, but all were BIG $$$$ for big businesses. How large are your warehouse(s)?



Reply author: Scott
Replied on: 10/14/2005 11:07:29 PM

Our warehouse is only about 6,000 sq. ft. As is fills up though, it becomes more and more difficult to allocate only one location for certain items. If I of course had endless space, I would only have one location for each SKU, but since I don't have endless space, as inventory comes in, you need to utilize the space you have available, which sometimes means you can't always locate it where the primary SKU location is. Does that make sense? I'm really just looking for some potential solutions, that will allow our business to grow and mangage our inventory.

Scott, LLC owns and operates:

Reply author: Scott
Replied on: 10/17/2005 10:37:40 AM

Pavel thanks for your input. It sounds like you have an interesting work around to the inventory location issue, and can still utilize the SEOM to track inventory. Since I'm not hearing any other great solutions from others on how to utilize the SEOM for inventory location, we may need to try your system.

Scott, LLC owns and operates:

Reply author: pghquest
Replied on: 10/18/2005 1:24:29 PM

Originally posted by Scott

But will this feature allow you to keep the same product (SKU) in multiple locations in your warehouse? That is really me biggest concern.

I have the same problem here. What I've been doing is in the location field, putting "A4 / J9" or something similar, stating that some is at location A4 and the rest is at J9. When it pulls a pick report, if A4 is out, then we know to go to J9.. the idea is that once A4 is out, that someone should go in and remove this from the Location field, so that next time they are not looking in this location.

What would help us out tremendously in this regard is
Order Manager tracks location upon receiving merchandise, and log it with FIFO order so that when A4 is out, it knows to go to J9 next.

The ability while looking at the Orders screen, to look and see where the product is, and better yet, modify the location at this screen. Example, we have an order for 10 products, 6 of them just arrived, and awaiting the other 4 so we can ship everything out together. There is no place to record a "temporary" location for these 6 items until the order ships. We are currently using the Comments field, but not appropriate really.

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Reply author: tekgems
Replied on: 10/24/2005 03:13:00 AM

Could sub-SKUs be used for this purpose? If so, how?

Reply author: okfarris
Replied on: 09/25/2006 1:22:43 PM

We had Stoneedge create a Invoice with warehouse location. You are limited to about 6 or 7 letters/numbers for the item location.

We labled our inventory like this: A32. The item is on Isle A, Section 3, Shelf 2.

We just moved into our new warehouse. We didn't spend much time or trouble putting items in order. We just tossed items on a shelf, any shelf. (we did try to sort a little) Then someone when down each isle, wrote down the shelf number (A32) and the part numbers that were on the shelf.


We then went to stoneedge and hit F11, Clicked on "Tables", then opened the "INVENTORY" table. You can easily edit the inventory location at this page. It took one person about one long day to get everything into order manager. FYI: We do have a 10,000 Square foot warehouse.

If items were on 2 or 3 different shelves, we put them in the file like this: A32/M14/H82. Once you get an order it prints it on the invoice, and your can correct if you want or just wait until the next order to correct it. As time goes by we simple figure out where exactly we want the itmes, put everything on one shelf and correct it in OM and we are done and items are at A32 or H82.

When a new item comes in with no inventory location. The rule is you put it on a shelf, and WRITE IT DOWN ON A CHANGE FORM. Then simply do the item location change in OM.

Best thing is. When you print a invoice, it tells you the location of the item on the invoice. You just walk over and pick it from the shelf. Yes you could use a pick list to do this. Problem is we may be shipping over 200 items in one day and if you use a pick list you just have a pile of 200 items at the front desk.

Now if we could just get the warehouse location at the View Orders Page. Make it a little easier to "double check" inventory when someone calls in looking for a specific part. Just do a order search for the part number and you can see where it is in the warehouse run our and verify that the item is really in stock.

Reply author: tekgems
Replied on: 09/25/2006 2:34:38 PM

I would also have you consider running a "Best Sellers" list and re-organize your warehouse so that best sellers require the least amount of travel for pick & pack.

Reply author: okfarris
Replied on: 09/27/2006 2:59:30 PM

We actually just used our head to re-organize the warehouse. When we moved into the warehouse, we knew this was going to be an issue so we left the front section of each isle empty (8-10 feet) and then we moved the "Best Sellers" to the front as needed.

Rollerblades also help.

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